Denture Relines

Expertely Crafted By Silkstone Denture Clinic

Denture relines involve reshaping the underside of a denture to conform more closely to the changing contours of your mouth.

denture relines silkstone

At our long-running denture clinic, we specialize in denture relines, a crucial service that ensures your dentures continue to fit comfortably and function effectively over time. Denture relines involve reshaping the underside of a denture to conform more closely to the changing contours of your mouth. As the oral tissues naturally change due to bone resorption, weight loss, aging, or other factors, dentures can become loose and uncomfortable. Our clinic’s legacy is built on a commitment to providing high-quality, personalized care, ensuring that your dentures fit perfectly and maintain their functionality for years to come.

The process of denture relining begins with a thorough examination of your oral condition and the fit of your current dentures. Our experienced dental professionals assess the degree of wear and changes in the oral tissues to determine the type of reline that is most appropriate for you. We offer two main types of relines: hard relines and soft relines. A hard reline involves removing a layer of the denture’s underside and replacing it with a durable, acrylic material that conforms precisely to the updated contours of your gums. This type of reline is ideal for patients who need a long-lasting, stable fit. Soft relines, on the other hand, involve the application of a pliable material that provides a more cushioned fit, suitable for patients with sensitive gums or those who experience discomfort with hard materials.

denture relines silkstone
denture relines silkstone

Once we have determined the appropriate type of reline, the actual procedure is carried out with precision and care. We take accurate impressions of your gums to ensure the relined denture fits snugly and comfortably. Our state-of-the-art lab and skilled technicians ensure that the relining process is efficient and of the highest quality, often allowing us to complete the procedure within a single day. Post-reline, we conduct a fitting session to make any necessary adjustments and ensure the denture sits perfectly in your mouth. This fitting session is crucial to guaranteeing that your newly relined denture offers the best possible comfort and functionality. Our commitment to patient satisfaction extends beyond the reline itself; we provide detailed guidance on maintaining your dentures and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your comfort and the fit of the denture over time.